Things I've collected over the years or acquired on mixtapes and comps or gathered from the internet or the library or my parents' attic. The different sources are the reason for the volume disparity. I make no claims to "discovering" or "owning" anything. Probably neither do you. It's whatever I feel like playing that week. Every Saturday. No repeats. Things that may or may not be familiar. Who knows? The time's next to each song in case you don't like something or it's icky or if you don't want your kids to hear it. Don't let offense at one song cloud your impression of the curation as a whole Past weeks here too. Just type "Audio" in the search engine. Or if you're too lazy to press a button more than once, here's everything up to December 2018. You don't get the all playlists, though. You can right-click this if you want to save a zip file of this one (containing an mp3 of the file) for later. Here what information I was able to find:
0:00 PAT BOONE- Baby Elephant Walk (1965)
2:24 SHARON STRAUSS- Blue Jean Blues
4:38 PHYLLIS & THE PHARAOHS- Phantom of Love (1974)
6:32 TEX RITTER- Muskrat b/w One Misty Misty Morning (1953)
11:51 EUGENE CHURCH- Pretty Girls Everywhere (1959)
14:47 TRAILER- The Babysitter/Weekend with the Babysitter
15:42 RED INGLE & THE NATURAL SEVEN- I Tipped My Hat and Slowly Rode Away (1947)
18:20 ROCKIN' RICHIE RAY- Baseball Card Lover (1977)
20:34 THE ELECTRIC COMPANY- I Want the Truth, Ruth
21:21 ROY MILTON & HIS SOLID SENDERS- Numbers Blues (1951)
23:48 JAN & DEAN- The Joker Is Wild
from LP Jan & Dean Meet Batman
27:03 MAE WEST- (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
29:58 JERRY & BRAD- The People Hater (1959)
32:22 CAROL CHAPELL- She Lost It
35:18 PAT SHANNON- The Snake and the Bookworm (1959)
37:17 BETSY BRYE- Sleepwalk (1959)
39:39 THE DEZURIK (CACKLE) SISTERS- Sippin' Cider Through a Straw
41:14 SPEDE- Premonini Rock
43:39 THE FONTANE SISTERS- The Popcorn Song (1951)
45:36 DICK & LIBBY- Pizza Sure Is Good (1963)
48:09 WESTINGHOUSE- Three Days In Eight Minutes (1979)
56:31 MIRIAM FRANCIS- A Cowboy's Friend
58:33 WHISPERING PIGG- Darlene (1958)
Salty Cybertruck
[image: The Salty Cybertruck. Photo: Rob Beschizza (CC BY-SA 4.0)]
Maybe Pittsburgh in winter isn't the best place to be out and about with
one of these ve...
29 minutes ago
27:04 ("I can't get no Satisfaction" is Phyllis Diller, not Mae West.