As the book says of him, “SYD HOFF's drawings have appeared in Esquire since the third issue, February 1934. He was born in New York, attended the National Academy of Design, studying fine art. 'Since magazines began buying my cartoons', he says, 'I stuck with it. He lives in Miami Beach, Florida”

George Lichty

Frank Beaven

Irving Phillips

Also in the book: “E. SIMMS CAMPBELL has been Esquire's most prolific creator of cartoons, and has never missed an issue. He attended University of Chicago and Chicago Art Institute, holds honorary degrees from two other universities, is a charter member of the National Cartoonists Society, has illustrated a dozen books and written numerous articles on jazz.”

Richard Taylor

Jay Irving

Henry Boltinoff

Tony Barlow

Frank Beaven

Syd Hoff

Barbara Shermund

Dorothy McKay, whose bio I transcribed last week.

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