These two are by Irving Phillips

André François

Barbara Shermund

It doesn't mention Esquire, but I think this is the same Ty Mahon this links to.

Another cartoonist better known for his fine arts background, Everett Shinn.

I can't find any reference at all to Alex Young.

Ty Mahon again.

Dorothy McKay. According to this book:
“DOROTHY McKAY's cartoons, covers and illustrations appeared regularly in the old Life, College Humor, New Yorker, Ballyhoo and Forum until, she says, 'Esquire began to corral my time—from the second issue on.' She grew up in San Francisco, where she studied at the California School of Fine Arts until she moved to New York.

I don't know who did this. I suppose I could use process of elimination of the list on the back flap if I had the time.

Gilbert Bundy

Dorothy McKay again. It's ironic that a magazine meant for men had more female cartoonists than other magazine at the time.

When I can't find information online about a person, I consult the 1980 volume World Encyclopedia of Cartoons, and the biography of Paul Webb is right here

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