Sunday, February 10, 2019

Rainy-Day Sunshine Fun-Time Sunday Low-Res Cartoon Show #77

I thought I'd show old cartoons like I play old records, but can't find a host. The rights are even more complicated here so I've gotten around it by only embedding things that have already been posted by someone else, absolving me altogether. I take no responsibility for anything removed by the rightholders, watermarks from previous second-generation sources, editing, cropping, or other ways links that have been broken by parties other than me. Once in a while you'll come across offensive racial stereotypes. Remember the cartoon is about the story and not about them.

Lee Mendelson-Bill Melendez Productions, 1967
dirs:Bill Melendez, Phil Roman
Emmy Nominee Underdog: BE MY VALENTINE
Total Television Productions, 1966 LOVE ME, LOVE ME, LOVE ME
Williams Films, 1963
dir: Richard Williams Popeye: I-SKI LOVE-SKI YOU-SKI
Fleischer Studios, 1936 Silly Symphonies: FROLICKING FISH
Walt Disney Productions, 1930
dir: Burt Gillett Dinky Duck: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING
Terrytoons, 1940
dir: Connie Rasinski MRS. O'LEARY'S COW
dir: Eddie Donnelly Sad Cat: SCUBA DUBA DO
Terrytoons, 1966
dir: Ralph Bakshi PLUTO'S HEART THROB
Walt Disney Productions, 1950
dir: Charles Nicholas

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