The final installment of Yell!, a humor magazine from 1966. The previous three were here, here, and here.
Arnoldo Franchioni was a regular contributor to a lot of humor magazines, but these only being sketches is what makes me think this might be on a low budget.
Parodies always say “apologies to” but only when they are poems. Is that because other works have multiple creators?
More inventory gag cartoons.
This was part of the foot that was on the front cover.
‘And we all enjoyed our meals in peace': Father uses Christmas music to
shutdown the entitled man refusing to stop the video chat he's having at
full volume that is overstimulating his neurodivergent son
How a family enjoys the holidays is unique and cater to that specific
unite. One family will travel to somewhere new every year, or another will
always g...
50 minutes ago
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