Saturday, November 2, 2013

Great Cartoons of the World Series 6, part 4

This is the fourth part of excerpts from Great Cartoons of the World edited by John Bailey in 1972.

In the introduction (continued from last week):

Timelessness is usually the result of showing the truth of the human condition, and of the naked emotion. The essential emotions—love, hate, fear—never change. The cartoonist has difficulty demonstrating the sheer truth in such an irrepressible way as to make you laugh. To begin with, it is almost necessary for him to be a genius. The timely cartoon, on the other hand, is easier to create because the material is always at hand.

[...]Charles Saxon's cartoon is a timely comment on our contemporary use of drugs to get through life. It also demonstrates the artist's usual keen eye on fashion, and the timeless truth of gesture.
This was done for the New Yorker.
Stanislav Holý for Dikobraz
Charles Addams joins two civilizations with his medicine man whose patient is suffering from an iron deficiency. The professional has always had his limitations, and this cartoon is a lovely comment on human fallibility.
Michael Ffolkes
Jean-Jacques Sempé
Eldon Dedini
[...]Edward Koren's telephone operator, who may spend her vacation in Area Code 603, is pure timeliness, and depends for its humor on the fact that all our lives are slowly being reduced to computer-like digits.

Remember, this was more than forty years ago.
Robert Day
These next two are by Miroslav Barták
Stanislav Holý
Boris Drucker in Look.
Guillermo Mordillo

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