Monday, June 25, 2012

Sex on the Campus

The cartoons from Chapter three of the 1957 paperback Sex Is Better in College

Orange Peel, college unknown. They apparently didn't do a good job of crediting all the magazines. Photobucket Florida State Smoke Signals Photobucket University of North Dakota Goose Photobucket Dartmouth Jack O' Lantern, which I believe Dr. Seuss contributed to while in college. Photobucket University of California Pelican Photobucket Profile, which is either Northwestern or University of Cincinatti Photobucket Colorado School of Mines Picker Photobucket Either this cartoon in the Bucknell University Touché was stolen from Esquire or vice-versa, most likely the former.

At the end of the book it says “...the editor[...]has tried his best to give proper credit where due.” Not very thoroughly, apparently. Photobucket University of Kansas Squat. Photobucket Occidental College Fang, which Terry Gilliam was editor of at one time. Photobucket University of Massachusetts Yahoo. Photobucket University of California Pelican Photobucket Iowa State Green Gander Photobucket University of California Pelican Photobucket More next Monday.

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