Thursday, November 29, 2018

Son of the Bride of the Return of the Curse of the Revenge of the Secret of Cartoons I Don't Get Strikes Back: The Legend of Curly's Boogaloo Quickening

Sex to Sexty, circa mid 70s
Esquire, January 1934
Life January 5, 1905
Monsieur, September 1957
Punch November 9, 1927
Punch September 29, 1926
Punch December 8, 1915
Punch December 15, 1915

1 comment:

  1. 1) Hippies were called flower children. The Phoebe has gone straight and jointed man, and was thus, deflowered. The add on joke is “deflowered” meaning “she had sex for the first time” and the art trope with THAT would have been her walking from the somewhere looking disheveled, which plays into the “free love and lose morals” of hippies.
    2) Guy is having an affair. He is trying to deceive his wife into thinking he is blowing kisses at HER through the phone, when he is really going to be kissing his mistresses breasts.
    3) ? I guess just the incongruity of proper old ladies using a jive word like “scram?”
    4) That looks like Carnegie’s daughter again! Why is she chasing after some guy? Why does everyone in the background have the same glasses, and face? I assume it is about some sort of photo scandal back then?
    5) They’re on a FLAT IRON. Often older buildings tenants didn’t pay for separate heat, as it was a central boiler system. To save money, land lords would try to avoid fuel costs. The janitor doesn’t want them to leave, because then HE’D be out of a job, or would get complaints from management. Old irons didn’t have internal heating like modern ones do, but were left on the stove top prior to use.
    6) The guy accidentally knocked up his wife’s twin sister. He didn’t know she had a twin. The “one” refers to “a twin” not the baby.
    7) Guy accidentally buried his tools when they topped the road, now they have to get it out again. Modern take would be a doctor leaving his surgical tools inside a patient (which happens a LOT more than people want to let on!)
    8) How does a sales person maintain professionalism (e.g politely calling someone Ma’am) when the customer is being a pain. (here only wanting a very small amount of birdseed). It would be like those people who break up six packs to buy ONE drink.
    9) They’re having a political discussion in the lead up to the second world war. I assume the camp is of homeless vets and other vagabonds, well known for committing petty theft. Not totally sure on that.
    10) Sexisim joke. She worked harder, and made a nice topiary, and he was like “I’m just going to stick my head in the lawn mower! I can’t live with the humiliation of having been bested by a woman.”
    11) The matron/ nanny is referring to the Early Derby (Edward GV Stanley) secretary of war. Basically she’s saying “hurry up, or its off to the military with you!”
    12) The guy standing in the boat is Henry Ford (also given by the life preserver) Ford was strongly opposed to the First World War. In the background is the sinking of the Lusitania (although that was sunk by U-20, not U8). From WikiPedia “In 1915, the pacifist Rosika Schwimmer gained favor with Ford, who agreed to fund a Peace Ship to Europe, where World War I was raging. He and about 170 other prominent peace leaders traveled there. Ford's Episcopalian pastor, Reverend Samuel S. Marquis, accompanied him on the mission. Marquis headed Ford's Sociology Department from 1913 to 1921. Ford talked to President Wilson about the mission but had no government support. His group went to neutral Sweden and the Netherlands to meet with peace activists. A target of much ridicule, Ford left the ship as soon as it reached Sweden” The name of the Peace Ship was Oscar II. Renaming it here Barnum implies it was a circus of sorts. Schwimmer is the woman with the glasses and big hat.
    13) Looks like Augustin Birrel, Chief Secretary for Ireland.
