Sunday, June 10, 2018

Rainy Day Sunshine Fun-Time Sunday Low-Res Cartoon Show #45

I thought I'd show old cartoons like I play old records, but can't find a host. The rights are even more complicated here so I've gotten around it by only embedding things that have already been posted by someone else, absolving me altogether.

I take no responsibility for anything removed by the rightholders, watermarks from previous second-generation sources, editing, cropping, or other ways links that have been broken by parties other than me. Once in a while you'll come across offensive racial stereotypes. Remember the cartoon is about the story and not about them.

WHOM TO BE? (Kem Byt'?)
Soyuzmultfilm, 1948
(click on settings for subtitles)
dir: Dmitri Babichenko Gandy Goose: A BULLY ROMANCE
Terrytoons, 1939
dir: Eddie Donnelly NELLIE OF THE CIRCUS
Walter Lantz Productions, 1939
dir: Alex Lovy Herman and Katnip: ONE FUNNY KNIGHT
Famous Studios, 1957
dir: Dave Tendlar BETTY BOOP, M. D.
Fleischer Studios, 1932 KEEP THIS UNDER YOUR HOOD
Cartoon Films, 1941 Dick Tracy: SCRAMBLED YEGGS
United Productions of America, 1960
dir: Ray Patterson Aesop and Son: THE FOX AND THE WINKING HORSE
Jay Ward Productions, 1962 THE TURN-TALE WOLF
Warner Bros. Cartoons, 1952
dir: Robert McKimson Yogi Bear: NOWHERE BEAR
Hanna-Barbera Productions, 1959

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