The final installment to the 1985 book Sex In the Comics by Maurice Horn. The last chapter just had illustrations of various comics around the world and the captions I'm printing were the captions they used.
Hans Haas, Love of the Lionesses. A kinky underground comic, German style. This example shows one of its more sedate moments.
Réal Godbout, Les Adventures de Michael Risque. The most original Canadian comics come from Quebec. The hero of this series is a Canadian version of Inspector Clouseau.
Barry Humphries and Nicholas Garland, Barry McKenzie. While technically a British strip, Barry McKenzie owes much of its success to the raucous humor of Barry Humphries (an Australian comedian and female impersonator) and its Aussie accented satire of English life.
Gō Nagai, Harenchi Gakuen (“Shameless School”). Everything goes in this school, including the co-eds' undies.
Takashi Ishii, Tenshi no Harawata (“The Angel's Insides”). Just a routine sequence from one of the no-holds barred Japanese romance strips...
Yoshihiro Tatsumi, The Telescope. A lecherous old man pays a crippled and impotent young boy to watch his erotic games with a young girl.
Celia Ferrer and Roberto Tellez, El Acupuncturisto Chino (“The Chinese Acupuncturist”). A Chinese white slave trader uses acupunture on his victims—and sometimes more physical arguments.
Rolando Martiarena, El Enigma del Cemeterio (“The Mystery of the Graveyard”). In Mexican comics the woman is often the sexual aggressor.
Nico Rosso, Noite Negra (“Black Knight”). A black sabbath scene, complete with grinning demons and sacrificial virgin.
Rodolpho Zalla, Zé de Caixão. This is a long-running series of exotic adventures that Brazilian comics historian ""Alvaro de Moya characterizes as “bathed in eroticism and violence”
Guillermo Saccomanno and Juan Zanotto, The Longest Trip. Caught in a time warp an astronaut meets Death in her many guises.
Carlos Trillo and Enrique Breccia, Alvar Mayor (“Alvar Senior”). Obsessed with his father's lascivious wife a youth resolves on parricide in order to get her.
Carlos Trillo and Horacio Altuna, Merdichesky. Sam Merdichesky, a bumbling New York City detective in the mold of Inspector Clouseau, goes (literally) under cover to expose a porno-movie ring.
This was the back cover.
President Trumb approves…
Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumby ride… Photo courtesy of Louis M. Found
in Thailand.
1 hour ago
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