This is the rest of the first issue of Get Lost, continued from last week
Parody of I, The Jury drawn by Tony Mortellaro.
This looks like it was inspired by Harvey Kurtzman's Hey Look!
The Grand Comics Database credits this to Ross Andru and Mike Esposito though the signature says something different that's not a pun on their name or Alex Raymond's.
Ben & Jerry's was always political — but now its CEO is fired for it, says
[image: Image: Ben & Jerry's Universal City location; Walter Cicchetti /]
Since its launch in 1978, Ben & Jerry's ice cream has always bee...
1 hour ago
I agree with the Andru and Esposito attribution for the Flash Gordon story. The inking could also have been done by (Rosen)thall, but in other stories he signed with Andru. Robejon Gluck seems to be a silly name A and E chose to hide the fact they drew everything. That is probably also why they didn't sign the two pages you say looks like Hey Look. A and E admired Kurtzman clearly. This two pager is one of the reasons I am sure they did three Kurtzmanlike stories in Mr. Mystery (see my blog).