I could care less about sports (is it could or couldn't? Whichever one means “who gives a shit?”). I just see a bunch of flying colors when they're on the screen. I never even know when the Superbowl is. If you were to show me a picture of a strong person and falsely tell me they were a professional athlete, I'd believe you. Mention a team name, I won't even know what sport that is. That said, I like these cartoons.
These cartoons, from Comic Art In America in 1959, represent what was prominent on the sports pages of newspapers at that time. The captions to all these cartoons say more than I ever could.
As much as I like these cartoons, they still haven't convinced me to care about sports.
Herewith the captions:
Floyd Johnson never reached the top, but HYPE IGOE did. The cross-hatching was almost an IGOE trademark.
Sketches of Tim Hegarty and Kid Lavigne, by the great DORGAN, from the New York Evening Journal in December 1904.
TAD DORGAN once more. This Outdoor Sports was drawn shortly before he died.
RUBE GOLDBERG's preview of the Dempsey-Carpentier fight. This was done fifteen years after he left San Francisco, and the figures at the right give some idea of the kind of thing he had been doing all along.
Four immortals drawn by BOB EDGREN for the New York World in 1927. He used many techniques; this was soft pencil.
Some of EDWARD WINDSOR KEMBLE's baseball figures, from Harper's Weekly of July 28, 1900.
A typical Believe it or Not, this one from 1935. Two of the items are on sports,ROBERT RIPLEY's first love.
The lost days of fistic glory: comment by BURRIS JENKINS. JR., on the Ross-McLarnin fight, September 1934.
BILL CRAWFORD helps the Dodgers toward victory.
Golfing luminaries as drawn by PETE LLAZUNA in 1931.
[BELOW LEFT]WILLARD MULLIN's comment on the desertion of the Dodgers and the Giants.
[BELOW RIGHT] Another MULLIN. His bums—originally Brooklyn Dodger fans—are now classic.
LOU DARVAS, in the Cleveland Press, comments on the infrequency of Floyd Patterson's heavyweight title defenses. 1958.
MURRAY OLDERMAN's comment on Bill Veeck, a startlingly individualistic baseball executive.
A group of sketches by KARL HUBENTHAL for the Los Angeles Examiner. Hubenthal does editorial cartoons for the same newspaper.
This is one of TOM PAPROCKI's great cartoons for the AP. Pace, Variety, and good drawing. Drawn in April, 1937.
JOHN PIEROTTI looks askance at the complicated struggle for the middleweight championship.
LEO's version of the old Brooklyn Dodger fan.
Sorry I couldn't include everything in the tags. Blogger will only let me use 200 characters.
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[image: image: Couperfield/Shutterstock]
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