Monday, January 27, 2014

The way it was before print

Here's more of the original art I've been taking from the internet.

This comes from Cracked #18 in February 1961...
...and here's the way it was printed. The “Kinlai” is an anagram of writer Paul Laikin.
Art also from #18 by Vic Martin, from an article called Real Cracked Books.
This is the way it appeared in print.
The next few pages were in the 19th issue, and by Vic Martin too. I have no idea what was in the dialogue from the drunk driver and photographer that peeled off.
Or the captions on this, although they're pretty self-explanatory.
These are from Sex To Sexty.
Denis Jones.
These next few are all from Sick magazine #10 in December 1961
This is by Bob Powell.

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