from #66, April 1966

from #83, October 1968
This looks like Sam Gross. I asked him about it and he said it sounds like something he would do but doesn't remember. He usually signs everything but maybe this was too "out there" then.

Charles Rodrigues was always one of the more incendiary cartoonists of NATIONAL LAMPOON making fun of the disabled and prejudice. You wouldn't know from his work that he was very religious.

“Clean For Gene” was the slogan Eugene McCarthy used while running for President under the Democratic ticket in 1968, presumably so the public wouldn't think all Democrats were dirty hippies.

from #84, November 1968

A few years ago a friend of mine was driving with his visiting sister and when pulled over by the cops facetiously said “Oh No, the pigs!”, something they would probably find amusing themselves. His sister said back, “Isn't that what 60s radicals used to call policemen?” I guess there are red and blue states.

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