Climbing down the rabbit hole so you don't have to
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ajax-Farrell had both BUGHOUSE and MADHOUSE as their answers to Kurtzman's MAD, among the several mentioned in MAD's “Caesar!”; drawn with the usual group of anonymous artists who seemed to draw with the bristol board at an angle. They did all genres but only their horror lived on through the cheapo Eerie Publications of the 70s.
Tweets by @magicwhistle
Much of the material here is at least a generation old and therefore sometimes has racist and sexist standards we wouldn't conform to today. I try, but can't always do a line-item veto. Remember, if something has stereotypes it's posted in spite of them and not because of them. You're not wrong to be offended, think of it like a friend you like hanging out with 95% of the time but once in a while they embarrass you. My own attitude is to move forward.
Many of the images I posted between 2011-2013 were disappeared by the image bank I was using then but I still have most of the scans and am bringing them back slowly. Be patient.
Bill Maher presents new posters
The latest 8-9 minute comedy/news bit hasn’t yet been posted on YouTube,
but there is a two-minute chuckle on new posters reflecting America’s new
set of a...
Kirkus Reviews of Trump’s Second Term
“I didn’t think it could get worse after the 2016 release, but it got
worse—much, much worse.”
“Horrible character development. It’s nearly impossible to...
Mother Goose Shoes '54
Many of us remember *Red Goose Shoes* from our childhood, but how about *Mother
Goose Shoes*? This wonderfully designed box (and cute pair of shoes too)
How To Escape From the Moon
Tex Avery’s nameless black cat (Pat McGeehan using a Durante voice) has had
enough of abuse on the Moon and wants to return to the abuse of Earth
Blood Thirsty
If you were intrigued by the* "Do You Dare Read Blood Thirsty?" *blurb (see
previous post) featured on the cover of the August 1954 issue of *Mysterious
Aircheck Of The Week
B. Mitchel Reed came to WMCA/New York from KFWB/Los Angeles in 1963. He was
only in New York for two years, but in that short time, he made WMCA a
The White Mountains
Back when I was a kid, I was in Cub Scouts for several years. I didn't
enjoy it enough to continue on to the actual Boy Scouts, but I figure I
learned some...
2 One day events tomorrow
11 Tuesday ONE DAY EVENTS: Ads with newspapers (yeah I know sorta weird,
but I'm weird) and Ads with famous Muslims for World Day of Muslim Culture,
The Art of Selling Movies #2
Art of ... *Carefree*, Organ Hours, and Giveaway Perfume
Ads again instruct. This one for *Carefree* seems aimed more at the trade.
Friday Night Double Features Vol. 51
*by Adam Riske and Patrick Bromley*
Ten new double features to watch during Spring Break!
* Double Feature 1:*
Adam: #1: *Ice Princess* (2005)
Patrick: ...
Sally Struthers Part 1 Encore
GGACP continues the celebration of Women’s History Month with this ENCORE
of the first part of a two-part interview with Emmy-winning actress Sally
A Compassionate Spirit!
Here's a great image of The Spirit by Will Eisner. It's from a collection
of comics produced in the late 80's as an AIDS benefit book titled *Strip
AIDS ...
'I Have No Gun But I Can Spit'
'I Have No Gun, But I can Spit'. An Anthology of satirical and abusive
verse selected by Kenneth Baker
-Published by Eyre Methuen, London, 1980
Forgotten New York -
I have many homes. I lived in Flushing for 14 years and have lived in
Little Neck for over 17 now. I went to school on the Bedford ...
Recurring Theme
This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been
writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018.
My par...
Die Nibelungen (1924) Directed by Fritz Lang
Die Nibelungen is a 2 part film, almost 5 hours long, that tells the
story Siegfried in the first part who rises to legendary status by killing
a dra...
Milestones (1975)
A filmmaker deeply committed to expressing his far-left
political ideology onscreen, Robert Kramer directed the awkward but
impassioned *Ice* ...
Reading from FOG at FWC March 9th!
Floating World Comics is hosting an official event for the release of
FEAST OF GREASE, this Sunday, March 9th! It's also a book release for Josh
RefPack062: A Peek At The International Section
People who aren’t members of Animation Resources don’t understand how
comprehensive our Reference Packs are. If you are a member of Animation
Resources, ...
I just received my copy of the new book by John Cuneo, *Good Intentions.*
Cuneo has a unique voice in American illustration. When you think about
his wo...
2 x Huppert: Live in NYC
Isabelle Huppert loves to challenge herself. As I’ve noted several times
before on this blog, her choice of film work has always involved her
playing new...
Catching Up With Jason Martin
Jason Martin is often hailed as one of the best writers in his sphere of
comics, which is autobiographical & poetic observations. Indeed, I first
became ... Fundraiser for 2025!
*Time is running out!*
*The final days of the WFDU Fundraiser!*
*Celebrate free form radio with*
*Back at the Chicken Shack*
*on HD2 internet ra...
Drawings With Gabrielle Bell
These are collaborations drawn on our podcast Drawing With Gabrielle Bell.
All are for sale for six hundred dollars, plus shipping. Shipping is fifty
My Friend Irma's Government Work-1952
If MY FRIEND IRMA is remembered at all these days, it's usually only as the
first movie to feature Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. In its day, though, MY
Have I Got A Tale
Sunday Surprise Day.
It's been a while since I did a couple of Al Jaffee's Tall Tsles Sundays.
But Recently I started cleaning my scans again and tehre ...
Darling, so it goes- C. Brown 2022 (pen and ink)
Darling, so it goes- C. Brown 2022 (pen and ink)
An alien accidentally intercepts a radio signal from earth and thinks Elvis
The Virtuoso Parrot
The Virtuoso Parrot is now available from Black Scat Books! Claude-Sosthène
Grasset d’Orcet (1828-1900) wrote hundreds of startling articles and
stories ab...
Happy Belated New Year, courtesy Enoch Bolles
A bit late but worth the wait. This new year's greeting from our man
Enoch is doubly special. Not only is it a rare example of two Bolles girls
some diary comics & a note for readers
Happy New Year? New Year’s doesn’t feel like much when you go to bed at
10:30pm on NYE, but I understand the allure. I don’t usually to make
resolutions be...
A Crafty Ladies Christmas
Oh my goodness: where do I start with this?
Well, first I should thank Dick Miller, the kind donor of this disc, a
seven-track EP originally issued thir...
Gil Turner in Coo Coo Comics!
Like so many other artists of his era, *Gil Turner* began his artistic
career as an animator, having begun his career at Walt Disney Studios in
1933 and m...
Halloween Packaging Day 31 -- Casper Popping Candy
Happy Halloween! Time to end this countdown with one last treat and it's a
throwback that seemed a bit out-of-time when I found it at a dollar store
Stripper's Guide is Moving!
Those of you with a long memory might remember an announcement back in
April 2022 that I was working on a new website for Stripper's Guide. Over
two yea...
*ZPG* (1972)
dir: Michael Campus
Cracked #105, November 1972
a: John Zeverin (Severin)
ZPG stood for Zero Population Growth, an idea floating arou...
The Endangered List (Case File #170)
*THE VIXENS* (1969)
Anne Linden (Betty)
Mary Kahn (Ann)
Peter Burns (Bob)
Steven Harrison (Alan)
Claudia Bach (Judy)
Swan/Burnley on Tommy Tomorrow?
The *Who's Who's* credits for John Fischetti started out as just
"Fischetti" on Tommy Tomorrow, if I remember correctly, but now encompass
any number of 19...
Dax Norman Stinckers
Stinckers has teamed up with artist/animator/musician/gif-master Dax Norman
to create our 1st animatable sticker design. Can you even believ...
Hello, This is to announce that as of today, this is no longer the site of
the active Tom the Dancing Bug Blog. The Blog has moved to
The Big Issue (uk)
A complete redesigned @bigissueuk done by ace @mrwilley , editor
paulmcnamee and @mrmneil . photo Paul Logan (vendor of The Big Issue at
Liverpool St, Lo...
You Know Me, Al: filling in the gaps
We’re giving the You Know Me, Al archive a refresh! We’ve filled the gaps
in the beginning of the run: the first seven weeks of the strip are now
complete ...
Journey Into Mystery #4
*Halloween Post-A-Day 2020, Day 31*
*Journey Into Mystery #4*
* A brief trio of tales kicked off by an HPL story*
*Editor – Roy Thomas*
It is only a matter of time
On September 12th of 2011, the *New York Times* published an article by Dr.
Abigail Zuger in which she criticised certain supposedly unrealistic
aspects ...
Clutch Cargo-1961
I read JACK AND JILL as a kid but not 'til 1965. I watched Clutch Cargo as
a kid but not 'til also around that same time. So I missed his 1961 comic
So Long, Farewell
WE SHOOK off the childhood trauma of gym class and ventured early in the
morning to Comic Arts Brooklyn, held at Pratt’s ARC, meaning Athletic and
Once again, I assembled a list of Halloween activities and then followed my
list. Here is what that looked like this year...
*1. Decorate for Halloween*
*Skatetown USA (1979. Dir: William Levey) *
Here's one that totally bypassed dvd and just went right from VHS to its
new blu-ray edition out this month! I ...
Dear Everyone Who Isn’t A Lunatic:
At this moment, someone you know personally, or are related to, is
expressing of victorious exultation, on Facebook or over pasta at The Olive
Garden, beca...
An Interview with Paul Krassner - Part Seven
*Kliph Nesteroff: You appeared on The Merv Griffin Show high on mescaline.
The episode also featured comedian Jackie Vernon.*
*Paul Krassner: Oh, yes. I...
The ABCs of Dating
*Sponsored by Orbit #TimeToShine*
[image: undefined] [image: undefined] [image: undefined] [image: undefined]
*Orbit makes dating as easy as learning your ...
At last...volume 2 of POPARTZ! is now in print. "Whut iz it?" you may
ask. Well...around 2008 or so I started making these little 5" x 5" pen
and ink ...
The Batman Effect
In January of 1966, the Batman TV show debuted and it seemed like the whole
country went Bat-mad. Perhaps in an effort to make clear the other comics
Writing the Dell Way
This turned up on Howard Lowery’s auction site four years ago and I don’t
recall ever seeing it posted elsewhere (and I swore I had), so I’m putting
it her...
Addams Family Holiday
I spent most of the fall of 2017 as a Visiting Professor of Integrated
Studies (whatever THAT means) at Penn State University where I discovered a
CSotD Part MMMXC -- A New Beginning
Adjust your bookmark, because the blog is moving in order to become a
feature on The Daily Cartoonist, a site newly re-energized with the
addition of DD De...
In Which Mike McGuire is Sick of Hash and Stew.
Let's take a gander at some random panels I found in *Daredevil Comics*,
starting with this beauty:
Mike McGuire amuses me. He reminds me of that "I wa...
New Books and Comics: May 18, 2018
Comics highlights this week: Barrier #3 — the stellar new series by Brian
K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (don’t forget pick up issue one and two before
they ...
Adventures in Drawing! Class in Gainesville
ADVENTURES IN DRAWING Learn to draw from life and the imagination
through fun, creative projects and regular sketching practice. We’ll
explore a variety ...
Kudos MoonPie
Had to come back from the dead to share this hysterical twitter thread with
you. It's between the maker of MoonPies and a woman who doesn't like them.
Six Eyes
BIG HALF-PRICE CHRISTMAS DEAL! i recently unearthed this piece, perfect for
that special someone who just seems to have everything! six eyes, 2017
Adventuring Pups (1948)
Three beagle pups run away from their farm home and get lost in woods. They
experience several adventures in the forest before finding their way home
Get Thee to the Library
I’m thinking of getting a driver’s license. That’s not to say I’ve never
driven a car, but only a few times in questionable circumstances under the
The current occupant of the White House
news item: You Can Read Steve Bannon’s Words; He Runs America Now
It's the (slight) return of Zoogz Toozday!
Like a cross between cartoon soundtracks and free jazz, side 1 of this 1987
cassette-only release is a sprawling...
Hang Loose
Poster for the short film Hang Loose, directed by Sammy Harkham & Patrick
Brice, and Starring Kyle Field of Little Wings. 4 color silkscreen print on
As We Head into 2017 - An End-of-Year Update
2016... oh what a crazy year you've been. While it will no doubt go down as
a year full of tragedy and turmoil in the world, on a personal level, 2016
Rube Goldberg Wishes You a Merry Christmas
Over the course of his 35 years or so as a daily and Sunday newspaper humor
cartoonist, Rube Goldberg celebrated many Christmases in pen and ink. Here
is a...
Georgy Girl
To this day I've never seen the movie but in 1966, "Georgy Girl" by the
Seekers was my favorite song. I had a vague idea who the Beatles were and I
old time religion A Postcard Home from Bible Camp
Apparently, the old time religion Covenant Point Bible Camp has been in
business for 90 years. I am hoping they will add this to the celebration!
In the shop....
These are all just sitting in the shop. Waiting for you.
*Awake and Dreaming* by Harve and Margot Zemach (1970).
*Brian Wildsmith's ABC* (1962).
*Cindy's S...
♬ One More For The Road ♫
It’s quarter to three There’s no one in the place, except you and me So set
’em’ up Joe, I’ve got a little story, you oughta know We’re drinking my
friend ...
*“I’ll rip those bastards a new one, and then I’ll rip a new one in that,
and then I’ll rip a new one in that, ad infinitum.”*
(From the first page of ...
Jungle War Stories~ Ring of Fire!
One of the few places you'd see mention of our involvement in Viet Nam
before late 1964 was in comic books such as Dell's* Jungle War Stories. * This
Learning How to Animate Makes Me Happy
Animation Lesson: An Ub Iwerks Walk Cycle Tutorial! Included are pics to
supplement this lesson--study the key poses (1,...
Posted by Animation Resources...
Vintage Reno, Nevada
Reno, Nevada, in the 1950's and 1960's.
Barney's Casino, Lake Tahoe
Horseshoe Club
Joe Mackies Red Bull Restaurant & Casino - Winnemucca, Nevada
Joe Ma...
Sarah Glidden
Sarah Glidden’s How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less is one of the
more exciting books to come out from Vertigo in quite a while. It’s a great
look ...
Walt Scott's "The Music Box Trio"
And now, a Christmas story by Walt Scott , creator of The Little People.
According to Alberto Beccatini, this story was originally presented as a
NEA (News...
Same Surname Inheritance
Are you in line for a windfall inheritance because you share your surname
with a dead person?
21 years ago
Some people don't realize you can make images bigger by clicking on them or that there are earlier postings beyond this page. Well, now you know. You're welcome.
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for FAIR USE for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. NON-PROFIT, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Either that or the owners could care less.
SAM HENDERSON has been doing comics, illustration and writing popular among people aware of their existence since his birth, though he wasn't paid for it until 1991. In addition to his own series,The Magic Whistle, clients have included Nickelodeon, New York Press, DC Comics, Heavy Metal, New York Observer,and Screw. He was a storyboard director for SpongeBob Squarepants in 2001.
See what books are currently available, links to my own work and other web presences, or contact me by writing Currently at work on graphic memoir titled Hail Seizure.
Portrait by Jess Rullifson.
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