I'm not sure how this came into my possession. Back in college, we had only one payphone in the hall for 100 of us, so we all had pieces of paper on our doors for people to write down messages. These were on the door of my friend John. It became so we all did doodles on each others' boards that had nothing to do with phone messages and for some reason a lot of us picked John's door to do them. Most were by this guy Koji Kaiya who wasn't very fluent in English, and we used his drawings here for a minicomic called COWS HAVE THEIR OWN FACES. Sorry if you can't see everything. I had to scan each page in 6 times to get everything and reduce the dpi in order to upload them. The things I do for you.
The lower right corner of this is blank so I didn't feel the need to scan it.
'I'd have never asked her out if I knew back then': Man's wife reveals big
secret about her past, man reconsiders entire relationship because of it
We all have skeletons in our closets, things we'd like to keep to ourselves
under all circumstances. Some of these things would be hurtful to the
people ...
2 hours ago
These are freaking awesome. Thanks for posting. Do you have the originals of these or photocopies? Brings back some strange memories. "That Kill the Parents" drawing is just classic. We need to track down Koji somehow.
I remember that I used to hear giggling and whispering in Japanese outside my door in the middle of the night when Koji was doing these drawings. He was sort of nocturnal.
I don't understand about the 100 people and one pay phone thing. Were you in the peace corps or something?