In many cases here, it's not a question of “What's going on?” but “Why?”
Sex to Sexty c. 1970s
Is this a game of boxing where the rules are that the crew are also the opponents and the fight still goes on on between rounds?
Hello Buddies, 1950s
Cavalade, August 1942
Playboy, February 1960
Is that a frowning mouth or her ear?
For Laughing Out Loud, March 1960
Judge October 9, 1909
Cartoonists would have the woman's manner of dress vary depending on which publication they sold it to, or would redraw it, which looks like the case here. I still can't tell exactly what “Big Ed” did and if that smudge is her lipstick or just a smudge in the printing.
Knight, September 1966
Playboy, December 1967
Life January 5, 1905
As notorious as The New Yorker is for their fact-checking, they didn't seem to notice the driver's sides were on opposite sides. Or is that the joke?
New Yorker August 25. 1925
Punch, April 1984
Punch September 26, 1915
Punch December 22, 1915
Et tu, Brute? – This Week’s Links
Wait, is it March already? How did that happen?
The post Et tu, Brute? – This Week’s Links appeared first on The Comics
2 minutes ago
1. Radical feminists who hate men and all things man-related. Hence LandPerson rather than land lord (masculine) and puss roach rather than COCKroach.
ReplyDelete2. The cut guy is supposed to give you the pep talk. Not inspire fear of further beating.
3. It’s like a “rubber check” the money will “bounce” I’d assume inflation in the UK was quite high in 1942.
4. You want your product endorsed by WINNERS. And a LOSER does NOT use your product.
5. LOL. But yeah, mouth.
6. I don’t know. They may political characters? The Bronx is not known for its wealth and affluence, and that could be the gag (husbands ‘not on their feet’ financially?)
7. I’m assuming it’s a dick joke.
8. Her gown is not really the kind you’d pin a flower on, so I assume the old guy just wants to touch her boobs trying to get it on there.
9. I guess that muggers are not so polite of sympathetic, on the main.
10. IDK. Cabbie and a Limo crash?
11. Did the guardian publish a lot of anti-Church stuff in 84? Doing something to make themselves a “Judas?”
12. John Bull is a personification of the UK the same way we’d have uncle sam in the US. Reginald McKenna was the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The budget at the time was ballooning, and taxes were increased drastically to cover the debt.
13. Times were tough, money tight (see 12), and the PM wasn’t taking a pay cut. Kind of like congress voting to give themselves pay raises during the recession.