Cartoons from the 1959 book Comic Art in America by Stephen Becker, surveying the history of the medium up until that time. These are from the chapter A Century of Magazines: From Corny Almanacks to The New Yorker
The captions for these cartoon say:
Room and Bored, created by GENE AHERN after he relinquished Our Boarding House. (1957)
An Out Our Way by J. R. Williams [the Elder], reprinted by NEA in 1959. Machine shops were one of his first loves.
A GLUYAS WILLIAMS panel from the thirties. His dissections of Suburbia were delicate and accurate.
DENYS WORTMAN's view of humanity—unvarnished but compassionate. (1935)
The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All Trains—sooner or later. (1949)
Mr. Bang explodes again. Note the delighted caddie. (1954)
Katrinka in action. Even the cat is disinctive, and the little boy in the foreground is obviously ecstatic. (1954)
Two byLICHTY. Seemingly slapdash, the style suits the attitude perfectly.
The Franciscan virtues in action . A Brother Juniper by FATHER JUSTIN McCARTHY, from More Brother Juniper. (1958)
A poignant sequence from DORGAN's satirical serial, Silk Harry's Divorce Suit.
[LEFT]TAD DORGAN's sidelight on crapshooters, in an Indoor Sports of 1929.
When a Feller Needs a Friend, a BRIGGS panel from 1922.
Movie of a Woman Trying to Get a Line on a Phone Conversation, a CLARE BRIGGS panel from 1925. an obvious variant of Briggs's later Mr. And Mrs.
The Days of Real Sport, a BRIGGS panel from 1922.
The last three panels of a Sunday Mr. And Mrs. by CLARE BRIGGS. (1921)
H. T. WEBSTER's Caspar Milquetoast in a panel.
Another WEBSTER panel. This one entitled Bridge.
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42 minutes ago
That Briggs' panel you posted with the mother inquiring about underwear I recall hearing about in David Michaelis' book on Charles Schulz some years back.